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The ultimate hacker podcast.
A tasty episode image

Earful of You've Got Mail: Episode 6 (0:25:00 - 0:30:00)

Recorded on 2020-08-29 at 6:30 PM

Two grand openings this week: Fox and Sons Books, and Episode 06 of An Earful of You've Got Mail! As the Fox surveys the henhouse, Kathleen and George practice the hard sell, Christina moves the fish, and sandwichman chows down. Meanwhile, we analyze book prices (hand-tipped or non), plow through 5+ sub-scenes, create synergy among our various podcast properties, and generally do the best we can, given that we cannot hear each other speak.

Two grand openings this week: Fox and Sons Books, and Episode 06 of An Earful of You've Got Mail! As the Fox surveys the henhouse, Kathleen and George practice the hard sell, Christina moves the fish, and sandwichman chows down. Meanwhile, we analyze book prices (hand-tipped or non), plow through 5+ sub-scenes, create synergy among our various podcast properties, and generally do the best we can, given that we cannot hear each other speak.

Drink of the Ep is the Probable Black Coffee in Thermos

Audio size is 115187712 bytes.